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Information about PPGLinC-UFBA - program proposal and structure, projects and research lines, faculty, student body, selection process (candidates' manual), student processes, general documents, forms, Minutes, Notices, Ordinances, Internal regulations, information on graduates and Events Agenda, among others - are available at our website <www.ppglinc.letras.ufba.br>. 
The website of the Program is in two languages (Brazilian Portuguese and English). For the external community, it provides, to those interested in joining UFBA and PPGLinC, a considerable number of relevant information on our areas of activity and research lines, as well as details on the profile of the faculty and their research perspectives.
SCHEDULE UFBA (AGENDA UFBA) is published by the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) since 2014. It is a communication portal for the internal and external communities of UFBA. It receives around six to seven thousand visits per day. All Graduate events, as well as defenses and qualification exams are now part of this platform, which can be accessed at: www.agenda.ufba.br.
On our website, regarding the internal community, it should be noted that the student has access to information from the control and financing bodies, as well as resolutions, ordinances, minutes of meetings, deliberations, etc. With the implementation, in 2019, of the SIGAA-UFBA System, students started to obtain as much information as possible regarding their academic life (automated issuing of transcripts, for example), as well as accessing public documents of the Program. With the implementation of SIGAA-UFBA, the processing of documents (processes of use of studies and others) started to be performed remotely, facilitating the student's access to requests and their results by electronic means.
PPGLinC professors and students have participated in a considerable number of scientific events in Brazil and abroad, which allows publicizing both the research carried out by the Program's faculty and students, as well as the interaction with other researchers and institutions. In the current quadrennium, the number of presentations of the most diverse nature was quite significant: conferences and lectures, presentation of oral communications, posters, among others. PPGLinC intends to continue with the policy of support and (or) sponsorship to the maximum of events promoted by the faculty and (or) students of the Program. Specific notices have been published for daily rates, especially for PPGLinC students, as previously reported.
The research groups of professors who have their page on the Web are connected to the Program's website. Academic and administrative information circulates through a mailing list sent to emails from the entire PPGLinC community - teachers and students -, as well as information about events, meetings, administrative procedures, etc. 
As usual, the final versions of PPGLinC's theses and dissertations are available in physical and electronic media at the University Library Reitor Macedo Costa, <www.bibliotecadigital.ufba.br>, as well as it is in the interest of PPGLinC that they are also part of the Repository UFBA <www.repositorio.ufba.br>. Still in this posture of unrestricted democratization of knowledge, all dissertations and theses, defended from 2017 to 2019, in their complete versions, are available on the Program's website. The page's translation strategy, of course, aligns itself with the objective of internationalizing the Program, with a view to attracting both international faculty and students to the Program, especially from countries that lack qualified graduate courses in Letters like many in Africa, Latin America and other less favored regions of the planet.
One of the visibility actions that we also highlight is the intention to encourage publications by teachers in a foreign language, requesting that the availability of articles and / or book chapters (also in Portuguese) be authorized for free download from the website. To this end, the Pro-Rector of Graduate Education provides notice for reimbursement of expenses with translation and revision of works in foreign language submitted in foreign journals.
Another opportunity for visibility in foreign languages, we cite the Núcleo Permanente em Extensão em Letras - NUPEL - which offers translation and proofreading services for academic texts produced by ILUFBA professors and students, in Spanish and English.
The journal Revista de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários has two professors from PPGLinC as editor-in-chief and assistant editor. The journal publishes two ordinary issues annually, one dedicated to literary studies in the first semester and the other dedicated to linguistic studies in the second semester. Also, a special thematic issue, published at the end of the year, is added. All issues are available online at https://portalseer.ufba.br/index.php/estudos, hosted on the Electronic Magazine Editing System (SEER). Its Editorial Board is diverse and meets the requirements for evaluating the Qualis system.


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